and a closer look..
Sneaky little critters aren't they!
When I was a little chap of 6 months old one of these bit me! Mind you it wasn't large like the one in the photo, it was only a baby itself. I was on a lead at the time and the baby adder was on a piece of grass (not even disguised)...of course me being me, I thought it was a stick and picked it up....Oouch Painful Stick. Within 10 minutes mum and dad realised it had got me, my mouth started to swell up and they could see the two puncture wounds...Straight onto the Vet and I was in with them on anti-venom within an hour of this happening. Some dogs aren't as lucky as me, and don't make it. For that reason there are a lot of signs up in this particular area to give owners plenty of warning to Look Out for Adders.
We have come across people who have only ever seen a couple in years of living here, but perhaps they don't know where to look. Dad spotted this one, but then he is very good at finding a snake in the grass!
I've got mum to look out a couple of articles about them -