Yesterday was particularly hot here.....the village was heaving and full of grockles, parking their cars everywhere, plus keeping the car parks busy......I know, now you are thinking what's a grockle? Well, here in Devon it's the name given for Tourists/Holidaymakers. There are several theories as to how the word started, but what ever that happens to be, it has stuck.....and we get invaded by Grockles each season. Our neighbouring county of Cornwall has the word Emmetts for the holidaymakers, apparently derived from the word meaning Ants, and the holidaymakers rush around like ants, hence the name.
Anyway, as it was so hot here and as you know by now, I tend to stay indoors during the heat and find a place to relax
and when everything has cooled off Mum and Dad take me down onto the beach
Well, that's the humans exercised for the day!
now back home for another rest
and Mum takes the opportunity to sketch me
love william